美到窒息的英文签名带翻译 极简短超好听的英文签名
踮起脚尖,我们离幸福只有一步。Tiptoe, we only one step away from happiness.
现在单身是潮流、我就是一潮女。Now single is the tide, I am a tide female.
物是人非,有些梦破碎的太完美。So, some dreams are broken too perfect.
山炮啥样你啥样,你比山炮还像样。What are you what kind of shanpaolv, you have decent than shanpaolv.
不是风动,不是幡动,是仁者心动。Not the wind, not streamers move, is benevolent heart.
重拾起时,生命温暖如昔。Take life, warm as ever.
不爱我的我不想,讲的洒脱却感伤。Don't love me I don't want to speak easy but sentimental.
世态炎凉、我心安稳、爱你如初!My heart is stable, the fickleness of the world, love you again
深到骨子里的爱,那是离不开。Deep into the bones of love, that is cannot do without.
宁愿被误会,也不想勉强去解释。Would rather be misunderstood, do not want to reluctantly explain.
天暗下来,你就是光。The sky is dark, you are light.
天空转晴了又多云,幸福过后只剩孤寂。The sky cleared and cloudy, after happiness only loneliness.
喜欢那些唯美的歌曲,触动我心痛的旋律。Like those beautiful songs, touches my heart pain melody.
难以失去难以忘怀,也难以去释怀那段慯。It is difficult to lose hard to forget, it is hard to forget that Shang.
或许,与世隔绝是我维护自己的最好方式。Perhaps, isolation is the best way for me to defend myself.
人生是一张单程车票,没有后退,没有返回!Life is a one-way ticket, no retreat, no return!
没有人会一辈子疼爱你。要好好照顾好自己。No one will love you a lifetime. Take good care of yourself.
是我,强行留下了你的人,却留不住你的心。Is me, forced to leave you, but you can not stay in your heart.
在水与月的交融里,孕育着世界最美的乐章。In the water and the moon, the world's most beautiful music.
阳光温热,岁月静好,你还不来,我怎敢老去。The sun warm, quiet years, you still don't come, how can I get old.
凝眸的泪眼,只是午夜梦回时镜中的一个孤影。All the tears, just a lonely midnight mirror.
那些蜡笔画的线条,像是冻结的眼泪。The lines of the drawing, like frozen tears.
如果爱是场误会,谁让我能回到完美。If love is a misunderstanding, who let I can return to perfection.
亲爱的,我还在想你,想象你的笑容。Dear, I still miss you, imagine your smile.
我闭上眼睛,看不见自己,却看见了你。I close my eyes, I can't see myself, but I see you.
只要为你活过,我就不是粉末。As long as you live, I will not powder.
含泪播种的人一定能含笑收获。Sow in tears, harvest.
完美的爱情,是致命的毒药。Perfect love is a deadly poison.
我做不到看她代替我拥抱。I can't see her instead of me.
爱人在身旁,处处是天堂。Lover beside, everywhere is heaven.
女友一说想我,我就知道她又饿了。When my girlfriend thinks about me, I know she's hungry again.
请在珍惜的时候,好好去爱。Please cherish the time, good love.
没关系,天塌下来,我自己扛。It doesn't matter, the sky falls down, I carry on my own.
意料之中是戏,意料之外是计。Expectation is drama, unexpected is meter.
不是缘分在作祟、只是时间不对。Not fate at work, just the wrong time.
你不爱我,我还能拿什么理由挽留。You do not love me, I can take any reason to stay.
思念,成为每天的必修课。Miss, become a required course every day.
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